The Joy Of – Look Up at the Sky Day

The Joy Of – Look Up at the Sky Day

Blog Article

The Joy Of – Look Up at the Sky Day

This fun day is observed 베이크아웃방법 on 12th or 14th of April. I wonder if anyone knows about the origin of this day. But the idea is beautiful and one must admire the imagination of whoever thought of this day.

What are we supposed to do on this day? Look at the sky! As I write this article, I am seeing two birds flying away in the sky. The sky is light blue in color with little gray near the horizon. There are little or rather no clouds and it is a clear sky. It is about 5 PM in the evening and the sun will be setting in about two hours here. Now I see a pigeon fluttering its wings coming at speed near me and then flying away. Now I see bright sun light opposite my home. The sun was not that brilliant before a minute. I never knew that the sky changes in mood so fast and has so much to offer. Don’t we all ignore the beautiful sky all our life? Most of us reserve observing such things on holidays in distant places. Ever wondered why?

It is our structure of working that prevents us enjoying such beautiful sights as the sky in our daily life. Our work takes away most of our time and the other is spent on household chores or watching television. Sometimes I think why people become so excited to watch the sun on the eclipse day? The sun is there everyday, but we feel totally unconcerned with it, unless it is very hot. Am I right? Same thing with the moon and the stars. How many of us step out on a night only to watch the stars?

Stars are so fascinating. Some of them are so far that it takes light, millions of years to reach us. That means that we are watching the star as it was million of years ago. Some of them are traveling away from us and some are collapsing to become black holes. It must be very dark there, isn’t it? How small all of us are compared to this cosmos.

The sky is lovely during the day and equally lovely at the nights. The birds of all kinds, clouds, the changing colors of the sky, all make it a great panoramic sight during the days and the nights are so peaceful with the moon and the distant stars. The only piece missing is our observation. We have no time to watch and derive joy from the nature that is around us.

베이크아웃 새집냄새제거

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